Portrait Artwork
(PP.28. Crime Scene 7. Another Angel in the Crowd)
Hi there! This is a public post that refers to Tier 1. Art Supporter and Tier 2. Art Producer. Subscribe to the first tier to have a more extensive description of the artwork, else to Tier 2 to know and self practice the technical procedures I used in it. Subscribe to Tier 3. Art Coach and we, together, can apply these techniques to your own art project. It’d be great and fun.

This is the portrait artwork’s data sheet:
Title: Crime Scene 7. Another Angel in the Crowd
Artist: Veronica Huacuja
Technique: Digital Painting
Year: 2020
Some previous thoughts. It’s very important to title our artwork with success. Why? The artwork’s title is a highly important resource that introduces the observer into its “creative circle”. Sometimes, it's the pass-through to our work.
Educational objectives. As nowadays creators, our resources are multiple when it comes to display our work in the media, and we must use them on our behalf. One of these resources is the title of our work.
Material. Digital tablet (I use and recommend one with hand pressure sensitivity), Photoshop and a still from a true crime video (the adolescent's image).
My experience making up the title of this artwork. I think the first part of the title doesn't need any further explanation, the topic of the artwork is clear. But when it comes to the subtitle–“Another Angel in the Crowd”–I need to say that I took the idea from one verse of a song of the English rock group, Dire Straits, “Wild West End”. Reality works like in slumbers, it overlaps. Doesn't it?
To know details of the technical painting procedures please visit https://www.patreon.com/posts/33814055.
Art Newsletter. If you’re interested in receiving the free monthly newsletter I send to my subscribers, please let me know at art@veronica.mx. I’ll be glad to include you in my list.
For prints of this artwork visit: https://www.artpal.com/VeronicaFineArt/
Thank you for dropping by.
#paint, #painting, #portrait, #art, #printmaking, #prints, #greenandredmake; #chiaroscuro; #artwebsites; #artwebsite; #charactercreation, #patreon

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Author: Veronica Huacuja
I'm a figurative and abstract painter. You're welcome to visit: Art Bio: bit.ly/2K7Cz37 Mail: art@veronica.mx If you're interested to acquire an original art please visit: https://veronica-huacuja.pixels.com Hope you enjoy my work! View all posts by Veronica Huacuja